Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Cup Runneth Over

Passage Psalm 23:5
5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

My cup runneth over; A hard analogy to understand if you’ve never experienced it yourself.

I have complete understanding of this feeling now. I am literally overflowing with joy.
So many realizations have come to me lately and each that stacks on top of the other just makes life that much more amazing.

First, a friend gives me a simple, yet immense notion to simply “Have Fun”.
Easy right? ..not for me! But lately I’m silencing the analytical part of my brain with a confident “you know what? .. shut up and have fun.” ..Logic has little response to that.

Next, I discover that it’s not only OK to be who you are AND how you were made, but the Lord actually looks forward to seeing you simply… be you. If you’re good at painting, then paint! If you like to read, then read! The Lord delights in our simple pleasures and we can experience them in their fullness knowing He is enjoying it as much as we are.

And just today, I have spread my creative wings further than I have ever before. The artistic limitations of a left-handed person on a PC are a lot higher than you’d think. Trying to draw with a hand you can’t even write your name with is incredibly frustrating. Now, with a clever digital tablet at my disposal, I can’t even decide where to begin.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I can finally breathe. I’m allowed to be happy. I can take joy in using the gifts I’ve been given. Everything around me seems to hold a new fascination.. as if I’m seeing it all for the first time.

Considering the depths of the hole I have recently found myself, I feel a million miles away from those dark places. The daily pains and troubles seem so trivial.. so unimportant in comparison to the grandeur of this feeling that has washed over me.

What’s next? No idea. But I’m ready. C’mon world!

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